If you love the parkour in Minecraft, there are some great practice servers you can join. These servers allow you to set your courses and practice platforming. Many of them are free. Consider these servers if you want to try parkour but need help figuring out where to start. You’ll be able to find a course that is ideal for you and try it out without the risk of being … [Read more...] about Minecraft Parkour Practice Servers
Good parkour servers minecraft
Parkour Landing Techniques
When you drop from a height, parkour landing techniques are crucial for reducing injury. You can choose from a variety of different methods, such as a safety tap or breakfall. The safety tap is used for shorter drops, while a breakfall is used for higher drops. Other options include the cat or crane. Generally, landing force absorption depends on how erect the practitioner’s … [Read more...] about Parkour Landing Techniques