This robot can perform backflips. It is so realistic that you would think it could be human, but this is false. The robot is a research model designed to test the boundaries of robotics. Ultimately, the company envisions helper robots with human-like dexterity.
Robot does backflips
Boston Dynamics is a robotics company known for capturing viral videos of machines performing human activities. They have created robots that perform parkour moves and dance. These robots jump on boxes, run across a balance beam, and do synchronized backflips. This video has garnered over two million views since it was released on Tuesday.
The engineers of Boston Dynamics likely used a behavior-based control architecture to program the robot. In this type of design, the robot must learn specific behaviors based on its perception of its surroundings, the next task in a sequence, and the current state of its environment.
One such robot developed by Boston Dynamics is called Atlas. This five-foot-tall robot weighs about 180 pounds and is designed to perform various physical tasks. It is intended to be pushed and can navigate rough terrain. The robot also can pick up and carry objects. It can also self-right when gone and even attempt backflips. However, its backflips are limited.
The Atlas robot performed various tasks in the parkour video, including vaulting over a balance beam and running up and down stairs. The robot even performed synchronized backflips after completing the obstacle course. The robots are not commercial products yet, but they can be used to teach humans how to do parkour. The video is a compilation of multiple videos involving Atlas robots.
Boston Dynamics is continuing to develop its ATLAS robot and its balancing skills. The company has also developed a parkour routine featuring the robots. This video is an exciting step forward for humanoid robotics. The robots can maintain their balance, but the speed at which they adjust distracts the video. It also lacks any background music or sound effects.
The robot’s behavior is based on what it sees, so the engineers do not need to program each jumping motion for every gap or platform. Instead, they can create a smaller set of template behaviors and match them with the environment. These behaviors are then executed online. The Atlas controls team uses simulation to evaluate new behaviors before testing them on the real robot. This helps make sure recent behavior changes won’t affect existing behaviors. They also perform hardware testing to ensure that new motions do not affect the robot’s performance.
The Atlas team has noticed the difficulty of the robot’s pumping arm. Although the robot can pump its arm, it is prone to stuttering. Because Atlas is so meticulous, they want it to be perfect. This attention to detail has resulted in some impressive robotic creations.
While the Atlas project is still an ongoing research project, it provides the company with invaluable insights that will guide other projects they are working on. In addition to their parkour robot, Boston Dynamics also sells robot dogs. The cost of a robotic dog is $74,500.